Welcome to Thrive Singles Seminar!
Together let's worship our Creator, learn to thrive, laugh and enjoy the life God has designed for us. Don't miss this opportunity to dive into scripture and share your journey with fellow kingdom minded singles.
Sessions are from 9am till 5pm followed by dinner and entertainment until 9pm.
Lunch and Dinner is included with this event.
Registration is $43
A detailed schedule with lesson topics will be posted soon. ***Please note, this event is open to young adults and adults. College students and younger are encouraged to check out our upcoming youth and campus retreats.
Session 1: Singleness As A Gift, Not a Curse
D'Mitri Lewis & Jess Zemann
Session 2: Holiness in Singleness
Nick Mungenast & Gabby Mino
Session 3: Becoming The Person God Calls
You To Be for Future Relationships
Nathan Taylor & Aaliyah Guthrie
Session 4: Worship & Finding Fulfillment in Christ Alone
Amanda Stanton
Session 5: Worship & Singleness for Kingdom Impact
Karen Glavin